Obtained Enslavement Veils Of Wintersorrow текст песни, слова песни Veils Of Wintersorrow Obtained Enslavement

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Obtained Enslavement - Veils Of Wintersorrow

(Music: Heks/Words: Dшden)
I am the shadow of your pain in existence
You please my nocturnal hunger
My hunger for the black moons arise from the white sky
Unlighted by the frozen fires of winter
My nordic witch in freezing appearance
She, who's lust is obediant to me
Our seat of blackness lit through glorious rides
Over the hills where the norse spirit lies
Could she ever bring me what I need?
Oh, what candle wouldn't I burn?
Will the earthly eclipse ever be?
How many times wouldn't I die?
I who can see through my right eye with my left
I will regain my sorrow throughout the centuries
The children of Christ - Oh, what humble creatures
Not even worthy to serve my enemies
What pleasure would I take
In crushing the voice of God
THe horizons of death please my black eyes
Ever will thou be there

Все тексты песен Obtained Enslavement
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