Pansy Division Hippy Dude текст песни, слова песни Hippy Dude Pansy Division - тексты песен на любой вкус

Pansy Division - Hippy Dude

He walks through the Lower Haight
With a pouch on one arm
He´s tall and slim And he moves with an animal charm
He´s a foxy dude
I´d love to lure him to my room
We´ll lay back Relax and do some shrooms
My hippy dude, my hippy dude
Get you in the nude ´N do things rude and lewd my hippy dude
The pants he wears Are made in EI Salvador
If I could get inside them
I´d be a happy man for sure
I realize many guys like this aren´t gay
But there´s so much ambiguity
I wouldn´t try to say
I can´t wait to get my hands
On your hippy dick
Your love pump is what I´ll lick
Your hippy dick, your hippy dick

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