Pansy Division I Really Wanted You текст песни, слова песни I Really Wanted You Pansy Division - тексты песен на любой вкус

Pansy Division - I Really Wanted You

I heard you're getting married
It seemed inevitable to me
Cause i was with you the night you met her
She had you hooked instantly
At the very first i thought it wouldn't last too long
Pretty soon i realized my estimate was wrong
Well i guess it's kinda late now
To say what you already knew
I really wanted you
I know it´s jealous reaction
But after all that time we spent
She just picked you up and carried you off
I couldn´t follow where you went
I'm well aware that certain things just cannot be
But don´t deny that there were other possibilities
On the hottest night of the summer
On a sticky, steamy street

Все тексты песен Pansy Division
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