Sacred Reich Low текст песни, слова песни Low Sacred Reich - тексты песен на любой вкус

Sacred Reich - Low

I'm feeling low
How I got here I'll never know
My heads a mess
This building hopelessness

I'm feeling low

Caught in a grip of emptiness
I can't escape
This darkness drags me down
And tries to consume me

I'm feeling low
How much farther can I go
I feel the end
One step away from death

I'm feeling low

Why do I feel this way
Never felt so victimized
The daily persecution
Comes from my own mind
The onslaught of self-doubt
Invades me once again
I need a ray of hope
To avert the bitter end

How could I get so down
Must pull myself back up
Too easy to give in

Все тексты песен Sacred Reich
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