Sacrificed Witchery Candle текст песни, слова песни Witchery Candle Sacrificed - тексты песен на любой вкус

Sacrificed - Witchery Candle

Seething abyss
Raising from deep
Bursting rage
Come down upon them

I summon You
Lord of Disaster
Appear from the dark
Above the black flames

Smoking Frankincense of Ire and Punishment
Surrender yourself wholly to the burning irritation
Hallowed by the light of the crimson candle
Under sombre vaults echoes my damnation

Leave domains
Of abandoned souls
Realms of death
Sorrow and grief

Mayhemic tortures
Inhuman suffering
Plague and sores

Все тексты песен Sacrificed
Следующий текст песни: Sacrificed - Invocation Of The Horned One