Samael The Cross текст песни, слова песни The Cross Samael - тексты песен на любой вкус

Samael - The Cross

the wind of spring blows in heaven
in the land of gold in the land of god
manipulate the holiness
maculate our loneliness
shining between two worlds
learning to win and hold
fraction of monopoly
tension of opposite's pole
give or take what has to move
for I will fight for my country
Eldest to the one and I
harvest of love and light
armless - amnesty

North south east and west the cross is sent over the lands
keep draining what was and will be in our time in our life
pilot soul takes you on the ride, no rise no fall for Humankind

Among the best survive or leave
paranoid night so hard to relieve
would you betray innovation
in the name of tradition
hopeless - amnesia

North south east and west the cross is sent over the lands
keep draining what was and will be in our time in our life
pilot soul takes you on the ride, no rise no fall for Humankind

Helvetia gloria still smile behind the shade of shame

Все тексты песен Samael
Следующий текст песни: Samael - The Ones Who Came Before