Velvet Underground White Light/ White Heat текст песни, слова песни White Light/ White Heat Velvet Underground - тексты песен на любой вкус

Velvet Underground - White Light/ White Heat


White light goin' messin' up my mind.
Don't you know it's gonna make me go blind.
White heat, it tickle me down to my toes.
Have mercy white light have it goodness knows.
White light goin' messin' up my brain.
White light, it's gonna drive me insane.
White heat, it tickle me down to my toes.
White light, I said now, goodness knows.
Ooo, white light.
Ooo, white heat.
Ooo, white light.
Ooo, white heat.

White light moved in me through my brain
White light gonna make-a me go insane

Все тексты песен Velvet Underground
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